A scientific and neurological approach to wellness.
Who are we?
My name is Anna Kroner and I am a student at Cornell University majoring in Human Development. I have had a deep-rooted interest for wellness ever since I can remember whether it was asking my mom why she gave me the supplements that she did when I was younger or discovering new wellness fads on the internet. My curiosity surrounding wellness as a kid later became a fascination with the brain and its connection to the body. Ever since freshman year of high school, I have worked in several neuroscientific labs reading through thousands of articles on “pubmed”, writing case studies, review papers, and literature reviews.
In my free time, I find myself browsing the internet for up and coming wellness trends and asking my mom who is a practicing doctor about the scientific validity of these fads. Many online resources lack a scientific and neurological backing, so I decided to create “The Science of Healing” — a platform that approaches wellness through a scientific and neurological lens.
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